It’s been awhile since I have been able to get behind the camera and make a video for ya’ll. Aside from having a 4 month old keeping me on my toes, the biggest thing standing in-between me and making a video for my channel is washing my hair. I know that sounds funny, but it’s true. While a makeup-less face and greasy hair may be the reality of postpartum for many, I would prefer to at least look halfway decent in front of the camera. So, while my hair certainly wasn’t styled, and the makeup on my face a bare minimum, I thought the perfect way to take a break from studying biology and chemistry would be to make a video, so here it is (finally). If this Is your first time tuning in, be sure to check out my previous posts on Chronic Lyme & pregnancy here.
As mentioned in the video, our little girl was stubbornly breached (more like stuck), and we had a bit of a health scare with her weight and heart. However, everything seemed to resolve itself and at 39 weeks we chose to try an external cephalic version. After the procedure failed I went right into a c-section. While this was not my hope and desire, Allie was born very healthy and in the end, that is what truly matters. Fast forwarding a bit, we did have our bout with an unsuspecting tongue tie that we decided to get revised due to the severity of how it was affecting Allie’s overall wellbeing. We caught it soon enough she did not have any issue gaining weight, however, the reflux, sleep deprivation, and visible pain she was going through on the daily basis was easily enough to convince us the procedure was necessary. While laser was an option, we opted for getting it done the traditional way at our practitioner’s office due to cost and needing to get it done as soon as possible. Overall, Allie only had a slight re-adhesion and nurses much much better to this day. It was a process for her to relearn how to properly eat again, and I’ll definitely be going into more detail about our journey with a tongue tie in a separate video post. Overall, Allie is doing great and has turned into a total chunk. As of now, the only supplements that she is taking is Seeking Health’s ProBiota infant probiotic powder and Biotic’s Research vitamin-K drops. Since 3 months (So far Allie seems to be hitting most all her developmental milestones a tad early) we’ve been dealing with teething and the joy that comes with that. Again, I’d love to discuss what we’ve been doing to help her through this process in a separate post (if you’re interested in weekly updates, follow me on my instagram here)
So how is mama doing? Well, while a c-section wasn’t my preferred choice of delivery (for baby or mama if we’re being honest), however, major abdominal surgery (thanks, compressed celiac artery) is something I am very familiar with and thus I rebounded very quickly. The worst part of it all was trying to nurse a squirming baby next to my incision site. As far as surgery wise goes, I’ve been been very pro-active in releasing the scar tissue associated with my incision site. Built up scar tissue can do a myriad of negative things to your body in ways you’d never even think of (more on this in a later post). As far as my overall health goes, everything seems to be hanging in there. I check my thyroid labs every couple months (or more if desired), and everything has remained stable. I’ve continued my bartonella treatment as I did throughout pregnancy. Keeping my detox pathways open and flowing is still the most important thing for me. I do this through routine colonics, activated charcoal, infrared sauna sessions (short, as a precautionary to make sure nothing gets released into my milk supply), and coffee enemas (the caffeine didn’t affect me or Allie during pregnancy and does not affect my milk postpartum). I’d like to say my allergies and related symptoms remained as great as they were during pregnancy, but unfortunately they have slowly reappeared (thought not as bad as before). Come December I will be trying a new treatment for my allergies, which I’ll go into more detail in future posts. Overall, my body handled pregnancy quite well and seems to be handling postpartum equally as well. Of course, I have my days where I struggle to get through (as any human would), but overall I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
2 Corinthians 13:14 “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”