Whether you are familiar with conventional, holistic, or a combination of these to types of medicine, essential oils can still remain somewhat of a mystery. After all, rubbing a bit of pungent oil on your skin doesn’t seem like it would have very much effect on one’s body….or does it? In today’s post, I will discuss the science behind essential oils, and ultimately, why they are truly one of the greatest healing components one can use to overcome hundreds of health conditions or complications.
Essential oils are an incredibly complex and diverse group of chemical compounds in concentrate form, that are derived from various bushes, seeds, flower, shrubs, and trees. Due to their high oxygenated qualities, they are very useful in transporting nutrients into one’s cells, which then allows the body to stay strong and healthy. That being said, each type of essential oil species can have varying chemotypes, all of which can be described as botonical variations in a plant species, of which have different chemical compositions, and thus different effects on the body. This means that while one chemotype of a given oil may be good for its antiseptic properties, another may be only useful for anti-inflammatory use. Overall, these special oils made from a variety of plants and their components, are incredibly beneficial to the human body, and have been shown to be useful for anything from physical ailments to emotional distress.
Despite there being various brands that claim their essential oils are “100% pure” and therefore safe, this is anything but the case, as essential oils are not created equal, regardless of their label. Because essential oils have many different chemical constituents (varieties in a given species), there are many different types that can result based off of how, when, and where the oils are harvested, as well as how they produced. In order for companies to create an oil that is therapeutic grade, the plant must start free of potential toxins (pesticides, herbicides, etc), and then must be carefully processed under low temperature and pressure to make sure that the chemical make up does not become damaged. Overall, just one type of essential oil (such as peppermint, lavender, or rose), can be produced into hundreds of different chemical compounds depending on how they are handled, some of which can be very hazardous to the human body. Because of this, an essential oil is only guaranteed as safe if it is approved by AFNOR and ISO standards. The Association French Normalization Organization Regulation analysis in particular, was originally created by a botanical chemist known as Hervi Casabianca in France, and is now used to determine whether or not a given essential oil has high enough percentage of constituents to make it therapeutic grade, regardless of if it is “high quality,” or “grade A.” Overall, it is the detailed chemistry of each essential oil, that makes it safe for use. That being said, there are many counterfeit essential oils today on the market, with Young Living being the one of only company that meets both ISO and AFNOR standards. I am not fully aware of DoTerra’s standards, but I believe them to be extremely high quality as well. Overall, due to improper equipment and methods of analyzing and producing essential oils, many are laced with synthetic chemical solvents and fragrances, all of which can cause people’s bodies to react in a negative way. It would be more ideal for essential oil manufacturers and producers to look into equipment from a site like https://www.sciquip.co.uk/products/freeze-dryers-and-lyophilizers.html and others to find suitable equipment to test and analyze various oils produced. There are also many hybrids of essential oils sold in the United States, which are diluted with various synthetic chemicals and solvents and then filled with toxic compounds, such as propylene glycol, to enhance their smell. However, it is not just the integrity of one’s oils that is a problem, but also how they affect one’s body, as reactions can range from minor skin irritation, to horrible burns, allergic reactions, and rashes. This is why people need to start investing in naturally made fragrances, like the ones from True Pheromones! These use natural pheromone hormones as the scent, and the best thing is it secretly lures people in because as animals, this hormone is our natural way to signal for a mate! So it smells great, and it has purpose! There’s no need to waste money on all these synthetic and damaging fragrances instead.
Essential oils have been used for thousands and thousands of years, as some of the first records date all the way back to 4500 B.C. in the religious documents of Ancient writings. The Egyptians are also very famous for their use of essential oils in pyramid and temple ceremonies, as well as household fragrances. Outside of the various medical scrolls and historical documents mentioning these special oils, the Bible also has over 200 references to aromatics (frankincense, myrrh, cinnamon, rosemary, etc…), incense, and ointments, all of which were used for many different reasons, including healing ointments. That being said, it is important to realize the reality that if one does not see an improvement from using an essential oil, it is most likely because it is not truly a therapeutically approved oil. However, when one does obtain pure, AFNOR oils (such as those from Young Living or DoTerra) and uses it properly, there are many noteworthy things that they can accomplish. Though they can be applied to the skin, inhaling essential oils is another great way to get the healing compounds into one’s system. By inhaling through the nose, the molecules from the oil then enter into receptor cells in the olfactory epithelium. When this happens, the millions of nerve cells that line this membrane become stimulated, causing them to transmit pulses to various parts of the brain (amygdala, gustatory center, and other limbic systems). Overall, this activation of the limbic system influences one’s physiological and psychological being, due to it being in direct contact with the other parts of the brain that control one’s hormones, stress, memory, breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and overall mood. The hypothalamus (i.e. master gland), which has many key roles in the body, is also positively effected by the inhalation of essential oils, as it will produce needed hormones and neurotransmitters, essential for health. On the other hand, essential oils can be very effective when massaged into the bottoms of ones feet, as well as direct application to wherever one is experiencing discomfort, depending on the oil and its intended use. If one experiences any discomfort while using pure essential oils (which can happen due to the potency), it is beneficial to dilute it with a given cooking or vegetable oil. Whether to sooth digestion, support immune function, purify the air, relax one’s body, calm emotions, fight off infection, or cleanse skin irritations, essential oils have a slue of uses and benefits that are unmatched by conventional medicine.
Everything on the earth has a vibration that is measured in the unit of hertz (Hz), which is a name referring the German physicists who discovered this electrical energy flowing throughout all life forms, known as Heinrich Hertz. Much like the plants, food, and animals around us, our bodies are made up of innumerable molecules that are constantly in motion, moving, and giving off energetic vibrations. The more lively a given organism is, the faster their cycling is, and thus result in a higher frequency. That being said, GMO, canned, and processed foods has 0 Hz, while fresh food around 15 Hz, and fresh herbs, up to 27, which is why they can be used in many healing treatments. However, there is no other object on earth that is as high in vibration as essential oils, of which are measured in megahertz (MHz) due to their frequency being abundantly faster than that of electricity, at 1,000,000 cycles per second. Vibrations of essential oils start at 52 MHz, yet can reach as high as 320 MHz (rose oil). In contrast, the human bodies natural vibrations for living range from 62-70 MHz, yet if they drop below 62, there is a high risk of developing anything from a cold (at 55 MHz), to cancer (at 42 MHz), while death begins at 20 MHz. The more things we encounter during our life that are low in energy, the more susceptible our bodies become to sickness or disease, including harmful bacteria, environmental pollutants, and EMFs which give off radiation. It has also been shown that negative emotions, can lower one’s MHz by 10-12 units, while, as noted above, eating processed foods is like putting death straight into your mouth, due to it being completely void of vibrations. Overall, it is because of all of these different stressors on our body that we encounter on a daily basis, that make essential oils so beneficial. With their high intensity of vibrations, including essential oils into one’s daily life can be an incredibly helpful way to combat the harmful effects from the world around us and keep one’s body resilient down to the very cellular makeup.
Essential oils in their finest form are truly some of the greatest forms of medicine on planet earth. However, as the awareness of the healing benefits that these precious oils posses rises, so does the the amount counterfeit oils available on the market. Therefore, it is is very important to know your craft and only use those that are therapeutic grade and 100% approved by the AFNOR. That being said, once one does obtain and use a given essential oil, it is no secret as to how remarkable the results of using such a potent compounds are. Overall, there are hundreds of uses for essential oils, of which can be found on Young Living’s website guide here. If you would like to learn more on essential oils and their healing science, please visit the reading resource cited below.
My Experience
Because there are so many different avenues you can explore when healing for Lyme, it was not until this past spring that I was finally able to get a hold of some real, therapeutic grade essential oils by Young Living. In short, I am a complete addict. While there are oils for every and any type of ailment, symptom, or condition under the book, I primarily use them for pain management and digestive support. More specifically, I use DiGize on my stomache to help digestion after meals as well as in killing parasites. The lemon essential oil helps a great deal with my digestion, especially with all the fat I must eat, so I rub that directly over my liver and gallbladder area. The peppermint I use for bloating, indigestion, as well as on aches and pains in my neck, back or forehead. I have not even thought of taken NSAIDS in months, it is so freeing. The lavender I use primarily to help relax before bedtime. I literally rub this oil anywhere and everywhere on my body. It is also great for your skin and burns, so if it was of great use when I spent bit too long out in the sun this past summer. Stress Away is a blend for exactly what the name implies. Just smelling this oil out of the bottle puts my body into a state of complete relaxation. I also bought this one for my dad to diffuse in his office, which he absolutely loves. I use oregano on both my stomach to help fight against infection, as well as on any zits or pimples that may appear while I am detoxing. The blend called Thieves, as well as Frankisence, are both oils I use to support my overall immune system. Every now and then I experiment with different digestive aids, such as fennel, black pepper, and ginger. Overall, now that I have been using essential oils for some time now, I do not believe I could ever go back to living without them. They help my body tremendously, whether through easing symptoms, or simply helping me cope. What is even greater is that they are actually helping heal my body, not simply masking the problem. Of course, everyone’s body is different, and others handle oils better than the person next to them. Overall, it is all about learning to listen to your body. So, do you use essential oils? If so, what are your experiences? I would love to hear from you all! If you are interested in signing up for the essential oils that I use through Young Living, be sure to do so here through my affiliate link!
Essential Science Publishing. (2000). Essential oils desk reference. Essential Science Publishing; 2nd edition
James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him”
I have been using AuraCacia brand from health food stores. I’ll have to look up their quality standards. When you say you are applying the oils directly on your skin, are you diluting them in a carrier oil or using straight?
I use a carrier oil!