The term “detox” can seem rather mainstream, however, for those with health conditions, keeping the body cleansed of toxins is key to living. Therefore, I thought there would be no better topic for the new year than how to use essential oils to naturally detox the body (see part 1 of my essential oil series here). There are various organs that must work properly in order for detoxing to be effective. In today’s post, I will be addressing the spleen, liver, pancreas, lymphatic system, skin, colon, and blood, all major systems in the body that are responsible for proper detoxification. You will notice that many of the oils are the same for each organ, which is great as it makes purchasing these oils a lot less complicated and pricey.
The kidneys are a pair of organs in the body located in the back of the abdomen cavity that help filter toxins from the blood, which then creates urine and is excreted from the body. It is important to keep this organ system at optimal function, as kidney stones or infection can occur. Kidneys are also a key component of hormone production. Overall, essential oils that have been shown to be beneficial to the kidneys include lemongrass, thyme, calamus, juniper, grapefruit, and geranium.
The spleen is an organ located in the upper lefthand corner of the abdomen, right off of the stomach. This organ is key to having healthy blood cells, as much like the kidneys, filters blood, stores white blood cells, and recycles red blood cells. The spleen is also an important component of fighting certain bacteria that are harmful to the body, as it is part of the lymphatic system. Essential oils that have been shown to be beneficial for the spleen include marjoram and laurel.
While all of the organs mentioned in today’s post are certainly vital for optimal health, the colon is easily one of the biggest detox pathways in the body, as it spans over 5 feet long. Not only does your colon pull nutrients from ingested food to use throughout the body, but it is full of bacteria needed for proper function. However, when the colon becomes compromised for any number of reasons, the loss of proper elimination can cause an insufficient amount of cleansing. Essential oils that have been shown to especially help the liver include sedum, dill, rosemary, caraway, sage, geranium, German chamomile, and thyme.
Much like the spleen, the liver has there responsibility of filtering the bodies blood. It also produces bile, the substance released by the gallbladder in the presence of fat, while also storing glycogen for energy, various other vitamins and minerals, and metabolizing fats and protein. Overall, the liver has many jobs, including the breakdown of toxic substances, bacteria, viruses, and anything else harmful that enters into the body. Essential oils that help detox the liver include sedum, and cranium, while dill, German chamomile, rosemary, thyme, goldenrod, and caraway are also helpful. For livers that have been damaged to the point of cirrhosis, frankincense and myrrh are the most helpful to help with this condition. Oils especially used for cleansing purposes include clove, helichrysum, geranium, and German chamomile.
The lymphatic system resides just underneath the skin where it acts as a subset of our circulatory system, purifying our blood, regulating fluid retention, stimulating digestion, and various other mechanisms to keep the body clean and supported. Unlike the blood, which flows all around, the lymphatic system flows upward, and is only stimulated through movement. That being said, a sluggish lymph can cause a great variety of symptoms, anything from the flu, to anemia, infections, and more. Oils that help support the lymphatic system include cypress, sage, and sandalwood. Lemon and lime are great for cleansing the lymphatic system, while cypress and grapefruit help decongest it. Helichrysum and lemongrass are good for draining, while lavender supports proper elimination of waste, and lemon oil increases the function of lymph fluid.
Without blood, we wouldn’t be alive. Therefore, it is extremely important that this life source is kept clean, as it supports our body at a cellular level by distributing oxygen, transporting nutrients, controlling body temperature, eliminating waste, healing from infections, and more. If the blood is not healthy, no other organ system in the body will be either. When your blood is “dirty,” the side effects will most typically be seen through the largest organ system that covers the blood itself, and that is the skin. Other symptoms include bad headaches, fevers, and other signs of a lowered immune system. Oils that help prevent clotting include clove, fennel, and helichrysum. Helichrysum is also good for cleansing the blood.
The skin is easily one of the most overlooked organs on the body. It removes up to one third of all of the toxins and foreign invaders that enter into the body, while also helping out the other detox organs mentioned above when they become overburdened. When the skin is constantly eliminating toxins through its pores, they become clogged, causing redness, rashes, acne, and other signs of inflammation. There are innumerable ways essential oils can be used for the skin. However, for those that address symptoms related to toxins being excreted, jasmine and orange work for dull skin, bergamot and orange address greasy skin, while rosewood, geranium, and lavender help dry skin. Rashes are best helped with melaleuca, melrose, and hinoki. Eczema and dermatitis are best addressed with helichrysum, German chamomile, rosewood, thyme, patchouli, and juniper.
Other oils good for detoxification include helichrysum, juniper, rosemary, and dill, which can be applied over the abdominal area. Those specific for removing heavy metals include helichrysum and clove. For toxins, hyssop, lemongrass, and patchouli.
To learn more about essential oils and how to become a member, check out my latest affiliate link with Young Living Essential Oils here!
1 Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
Looking at the oils for liver and I’m curious how you use them? Ingesting or topically? If topically do you make a lotion or just apply directly?
I use them topically, both direct and diluted